Why Is It Not Possible For More Than One Sperm Cell To Fertilize An Egg Cell?
Why is it not possible for more than one sperm cell to fertilize an egg cell?
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Why is it not possible for more than one sperm cell to fertilize an egg cell?
The egg cell is covered with layer of cells called corona radiata. The sperm must pushed through this layer to get inside and reach the outer layer of the egg cell called Zona Pellucida. When Sperm reaches the Zona Pellucida, they attach its specialized sperm receptors on the surface which triggers the acrosomes to release the digestive enzymes for the sperm to penetrate the Zona Pellucida and enter. The first sperm to make contact inside the zona pellucida will fertilized the egg. When it happen, it changes the cell membrane layer for other sperm cell not enter thereby, allowing only one sperm cell to fertilized the egg cell.
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